
        D&Y Group continues to increase the investment in scientific and technological innovation and its scientific research force and scientific research systems continue to improve and grow. The Group has established provincial R&D platforms, namely the Provincial Enterprise Technology Center, the Provincial Industrial Design center and Shandong Workstation for Academicians and Experts. Taian Chinese Hemp Textile Engineering Laboratory is settles in D&Y Group. The Group spares no effort to create a national technology R&D center, introduces hundreds sets of world's most advanced textile and apparel experimental instruments, testing equipment, sample production linesand supporting facilities. D&Y has established five sub-centers for spinning, denim, woolen, brand garments, and other types of clothing, and employs more than 300 technicians of all kinds. 

顺昌县| 巫溪县| 南昌市| 五家渠市| 台山市| 龙游县| 资阳市| 新宾| 金山区| 北京市| 卢氏县| 汽车| 万荣县| 瑞丽市| 甘德县| 中卫市| 西充县| 油尖旺区| 铜山县| 当雄县| 临汾市| 太谷县| 屏山县| 罗江县| 宝鸡市| 郑州市| 洛扎县| 忻城县| 新乡市| 灵寿县| 九龙县| 农安县| 化隆| 凤阳县| 乌苏市| 长汀县| 武汉市| 通海县| 平塘县| 南阳市| 微山县|